5 Ways to Make Money With Your Blogs Effortlessly

Blogging is a great way of earning passive income. The end goal of every blog is to make money. It is easy for people who have been doing this for years because their blogs or website already rank on google.

Creating multiple sources of money with your blogs is an easy way to make money with your blogs even if they are not ranking high on google. We have listed 5 ways of how you can make money with your blog easily and a few tips that will help you increase your income.

Let’s dive in

1. Display ads

This is one of the easiest ways of making money with a blog, even with less traffic. There are a lot of ad companies but the best choice is Google AdSense. The reason why Google ads are the best is that there are no minimum traffic requirements.

So, even if you are getting less monthly traffic on your blog or website, with google ads you can still make money.

If you are getting a decent amount of traffic, this is a good opportunity to increase your revenue. This is a good start to make money with a small investment.

Another great alternative to google ads is Ezoic. Ezoic is an ad company, just like google ads, that allows you to add display ads on your website.

The only requirement of Ezoic is that you need a minimum of 10,000 monthly traffic. This might seem like a downside but other ad platforms like Mediavine require you to have at least 50,000 monthly traffic, which is hard for blogs that get less traffic.

So, google ads would be a great start if you get less traffic or if you are just starting.

When you start to scale your traffic, you would want to try other ad networks to compare which one is giving you more revenue. Different ad networks will pay differently.


It is possible to add ads on your blog from different ad networks. This is a game-changer if you have ad networks that pay well. When you have ads on your site or blog, disable them before applying to another ad agency. Once accepted, you can add them back.

Warning: Do not click on your ads on your website. If Google ads (or any ad network you decide to use) notice that you are clicking your ads, they will suspend your account.

Key highlights

  • Use different ad networks and find which one will work for you or which one pays more that the other.
  • Start off with Google ads if you get less traffic.

2. Affiliate marketing

This is the most common way of making money with a blog or website. If you have no idea what affiliate marketing is, affiliate marketing is promoting products that are not yours, but you get a commission for every sale you make through your affiliate link which is given to you or generated for you.

There are a lot of affiliate programs all over the internet, and most of them require your blogs or website to have a lot of monthly views and are usually picky about the websites they accept.

The best affiliate program that is easy to join is Amazon Associates. All you need is a functioning website or blog and you can start promoting their products.

Of course, just like any affiliate marketing program, they will have a few requirements and rules which you’ll need to follow when you join their program.

The power of promoting amazon products is that everyone knows Amazon.

We all buy products from amazon. It would be easy for someone to buy a product from amazon compared to a brand that is not well known. Even if they have better products than amazon, it is easy for people to trust a product that is coming from amazon.

To make it more effective, you can create detailed blogs making product reviews from amazon. In this way, you increase the chances of your visitors buying the product through your link, and it becomes easy to make money with your blogs.

If you want an Amazon Associates alternative, the Walmart Affiliate program.

Walmart affiliate program works almost the same way as amazon associates. There is a little difference between the two.

In some cases, the Walmart affiliate program can pay more on other products compared to amazon associates. In other cases, it is the opposite.

So, using both of these would be effective. This is because they differ in how they pay commissions on other products.

Key highlights

  • Almost every niche offers an affiliate program, so find one that will work for you.
  • Amazon has every product for every niche.

3. Creating a membership website.

This is the best way to be making money with your blog consistently month after month. This is because people will be paying you each month to get access to content on your website.

This works best if you are a health coach, dating coach, or any other coach. If you are not a coach but you know this method will work for you, use it. All you need to do is to offer what you are good at.

To make money with your blog using this method, you need to be a bit patient.

This is because you cannot make your website a membership website upfront or make your full website completely a membership website, no one will subscribe.

To make it more effective, you need to offer some value for free. In the long run, people will start to trust you. Make one part of your website free, and make the other part for subscriptions.

The free version of your website should offer value. You need to find content that offers value and this will make your visitors to become subscribers.

Key highlights
  • A great way to earn money month after month
  • Create trust between you and your customers or visitors

4. Sell a course

One of the best ways to make money with something you understand is to sell a course on your blog, website, or third-party website like Udemy.

If you understand a particular topic deeply, it would be easy to blog about it and create a detailed course about it.

To make this method more effective, like the previous method, offer value for free. In this way, it will be easy for people to pay for your course.

This is because they know that you offer valuable information. Yes, it takes time and a lot of effort to create a course online, but in the end, you’ll make a lot more money.

You do not have to take videos of yourself. Most people create PowerPoint presentations and use an on-screen recorder to explain whatever they are teaching.

Just make sure you improve your PowerPoint presentation graphics and add worksheets to make it easier for your students.

There are a lot of platforms to sell your online course. But one of the best and cheap platforms is Thinkific. With thinkific, you get started with just $49.

Key highlight
  • This is the best way to make money with what you know
  • Use thinkific to sell your course online

5. Sell physical products about your niche

Most health and fitness blogs or websites are taking advantage of the method. They promote products that they already use.

When you promote physical products that you already use it becomes easy for some to buy that product because you will tell them how it helped you firsthand.

For example, if you have a fitness blog and you have a specific type of training shoe or supplements that you use to keep fit, you can show your visitors your results and they can become easily influenced.

It can be any physical product. Shoes, shirts, hoodies, gym equipment, and so on. You get the idea.

People easily get influenced by the products that have been tested and proven to work, and once you have that trust with your customers, it becomes easy to make them buy products recommended by you. So, you need to build a trustworthy connection with your customers.

When selling these physical products, don’t just sell any type of product. Sell products you have tested or used and products that will help your customers, and bring them results in the long run. In that way, you will be able to maintain your customers.

Key highlights
  • A great way you build up your brand
  • An easy way to gain the trust of your visitors or customers

All these ways can work best if they are used together. This is because you are maximizing all the possible ways of making money with your blog or website. As a result, your revenue will increase even with little traffic.

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