6 Free Blogging Tools That Make Blogging Easy

Blogging is exhausting, especially for newbies, and even professional writers. Publishing article routinely is among the most effective things you should do for your service or site and it helps your website to increase its ranking on search engines.

Yes, it is not easy doing this consistently for several reasons. Maybe you don’t know what to blog about? Or don’t know how to blog at all? Maybe you’re too lazy? Or don’t want to blog at all?

Whatever your scenario is, for sure these tools that will help you in your blogging will be able to pick up from your situation and skyrocket your blogs/website rankings with less effort upfront.

1. Buzzsumo

This is one of the most recommended tools to find blog topics around your niche that are trending and topics people want to read about.

With this tool, you keep the content on your website up to date and you’ll have endless blogging topics that people will want to read about. This is way better the blogging blindly and hoping that your blogs will attract readers or visitors.

With Buzzsumo, massive blogging content ideas and topics are right in front of you. It gives you trending topics that people are sharing on different social media giving you a clear picture of what people want to read.

If a huge part of an audience you’re trying to target is located in a specific country, you can use the filters to target them and blog topics that they are interested in and willing to share on social media giving you more potential readers.

Discovering trending keywords? Buzzsumo has your back. We all know the expensive keyword research tools that can stretch your budget especially when you’re just getting started.

This is when Buzzsumo comes in handy. With new keywords that are rising, you probably want to get in early before they get competitive. Getting in early means your blog post will be one of the first to appear when someone does a search using these keywords.

This will increase your clicks and increase the rankings of your website as time goes by. It’s not immediate, but in the long run, you’ll surely see results.

This is just scratching the surface on what Buzzsumo can do.

2. Grammarly

This is an obvious must-have tool if you want the best out of your blogging and most of you might know it (If you already use this tool, you can skip to number 3).

It is obvious that using correct grammar is fundamental but important, and it can affect your readers from leaving your website or staying.

In most cases, we can have a huge blog post that looks exhausting to go through and check for errors. This is when Grammarly is very useful.

Any error that you have made on your blog post, Grammarly will show you. Whether spelling mistakes, grammar, or sentence constriction.

What makes Grammarly a powerful tool is that it shows you immediately as you are typing is that way when you are done, you do not need to go back and check for errors, saving you a lot of time.

In some cases, we want our blogs to have a different formality. Whether you want your blog post to sound natural, academic, technical, or casual. Grammarly can give you the right sentence constrictions or words to use according to what you choose (of course there are more options than the ones mentioned)

At some point, every blogger will need to research or blog about some statistics of a certain topic in their niche.

On the other hand, there are a lot of blogs that can have the same information as yours. Or maybe you might want to rewrite some blocks of information you found somewhere during your research, you must avoid plagiarism.

If you don’t know what plagiarism is, this is an act of taking someone’s work or ideas and passing them as your own.

Yes, some people try to be smart and change a few words here and there, or maybe try to mix up the sentences, or anything to make the work seem like their own but google will know and most likely penalize your content.

Unless you have professional tools like Spinrewriter(more about it below, #4) that will help you get away with anything you directly copy from any website.

Try to make your content as unique as possible and Grammarly shows you exactly where you need to make any changes.

To make things better, you can install it in Microsoft word. So if your write blogs in advance with MSW, you can just install it.

3. SpinReriter

This list would not be complete if you were to leave this tool out. This tool will do the whole blogging/writing part for you.

It might sound too good to be true but I’ll leave it up to you to try it for free for 5 days, and you’ll decide if you love it or not. Most of you probably will.

How does it work?

SpinRewriter will rewrite any blog post or article into a unique post that you can use on your website.

Maybe you have seen a high-quality blog that is ranking on google and you want a blog post just like that, that will rank. This is when SpinRewriter comes in handy.

SpinRewrtier is capable of rewriting any blog post or article into a unique version and of course, a readable article without changing the meaning. Sounds too good to be true, go give it a try for 5 days and decide if it works for you or not.

One powerful aspect about Spinrewriter is that you can integrate directly to WordPress. This tool will automatically fetch related blogs to your content, rewrite them for you and post them automatically without the need for your effort!

This can save you a lot of time and be helpful especially to those who do not like blogging or writing, with this tool you don’t have to do any of that if you have this tool.

We know that Google loves new fresh content, Right? Imagine that you have 100+ blogs and you want to renew them one by one. That can take you forever to do.

This tool cuts out that workload for you. You do not need to go through the pain of refreshing or renewing your blogs. You can renew your blog posts with just a few steps and clicks.

With this tool, having multiple websites under a budget is not a problem as you know already what it can do. Yes, you can install it on multiple websites and let it do all the work for you.

4. Blog2social.

Everyone knows the power of sharing your content on social media. There are a lot of social medial platforms that you can share your content.

But it’s not always easy posting consistently on different social media platforms, for example, 9 different ones. If you don’t post consistently, your social engagement will drop down and your social posts will not get enough juice to your website as much as you need.

This is why it’s always a good idea to have a tool or a plugin that will do all this for you with just a few steps and clicks, helping you increase your social engagement increase.

If you use WordPress, a free plugin that will do this for you is Blog2Social.

With Blog2Social, you’ll have the power to auto-post on 16 different networks with just a few clicks for free!

Blog2Social gives you the leverage to post on different social media platforms with just a few steps without the need to log in and out of different accounts, which can get exhausting especially if you want to be posting consistently to keep your social engagement high, to get the most from the social media algorithm.

Social media can help you know if your blog posts are engaging or not, and can get you traffic to increase your rankings on Google.

5. Later

If you’re not using WordPress or just don’t want to install another plugin, the best alternative to Blog2Socal is Later.

Later is the best tool if you want to increase your reach from reach on social media. It will help you post pictures at the right time (This can be a picture announcing your new post with a link underneath it)

By helping you post at the right time, you will reach the right people, and you’ll get the most out of a single post by reaching a lot of active people.

This will make blogging easy because you’ll be getting a lot of readers. You’d probably be frustrated when getting no readers, which would make blogging seem heard.

6. Copy.ai

We all want our readers to read the whole of our blogs right? You can achieve this by getting them hooked with an engaging introduction.

Your into is one of the most important aspects of every blog. If it’s boring, not engaging, or going off-topic, obviously readers or visitors will bounce back and go elsewhere.

Whatever your topic is, Copy.ai will give you or generate professional, engaging blog intros that will convince your visitors to read the rest of your blog. This will make blogging way, in terms of your intros.

Copy.ai can do a lot more.

At some point as a blogger you might want to sell a digital product (or any product), and you will probably need a quality description to convince people to buy.

If you are bad at writing product descriptions or just want quality and engaging descriptions, Copy.ai has your back. It has a feature that lets you come up with creative product discerption for any product that you offer.

So whether you are selling an eBook, service, or promoting an affiliate offer, with just a few clicks you got the quality product description that you need.

Out of bog ideas? Or in need of more blogging ideas? You definitely need to use Copy.ai. Whatever niche you’re into, this tool will give you engaging blog topics that people will want to read and most likely, share with others.

Wrap up

To rank on Google, you need to be blogging consistently and have engaging blog posts. In most cases, it is difficult for a lot of reasons, but whatever your reason is, surely these tools will make blogging easy.

In most cases, you increase your results, having multiple websites is key. Again, from what you have read in this article, which these tools, it wouldn’t be a problem.

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