How To Write The Perfect Blogpost For Beginners

As a beginner blogger, it can be challenging to write an engaging blog post that will readers’ attention or gets traffic.

What should your blog post be about? How can you keep your readers engaged? Many beginner bloggers have trouble figuring out how to write a blog post. Here are the best practices on how to write a blog post for beginners today.

According to over 8.28 million blog posts come out on WordPress alone each month. With those stats, you need to make your content outstanding and hook a lot of readers.

1. Find a proven and trending topic.

Having the latest topics is key to see results in the early stages. Blogging about topics people want to read or trending content is the best way to bring traffic and rank your blogs.

To make your content stand out, you need to blog topics that people are interested in. To find these topics, use free tools such as Buzzsumo. Buzzsumo gives you all the trending around your topic on a silver platter. It is a free tool.

With a simple search, Buzzumo gives you all the trending topics online according to the engagement, the right keywords you need to go for depending on your main, and lets you discover related topics about your target content.

By using the filters to find recent trending topics, you can blog or write what people are already looking for.

2. Catchy headline/title

Now since you have the right topic to blog, you need to come up with a catchy headline. Before anyone reads your content, they will first read your headline.

To make readers stay on your blog post or to increase the click-through rate of your blog, have a catchy headline that will attract readers.

To come up with a title that will make people read your blog, start with a number or a trigger word that will grab people’s attention.

For examples ‘X ways to_’ According to Buzzsumo, a title that has a number will have more

Always use the number when it makes sense. Don’t just throw them in on every headline.

Your headline should have 2 to 7 words. According to, headlines with 2 to 7 words tend to work best.

3. Hooking introduction.

If your introduction is not good enough, visitors will not be interested to read the rest of your blog. To grab the visitors’ attention with your introduction, start with a proven preview or a fact. This will make visitors know that they are in the right place.

When you add proof or a fact in your intro, this shows readers that you know exactly what you are talking about.

It gives your readers a sense of trust. You can do this by showing statistics of your topic, years of experience you have, or anything that will give your readers a reason to read your blog.

4. The body of your blog

When writing your blog post there are a lot of tactics you can use to make your content engaging and easy for users to read and understand.

i. Make your content readable

Making your content readable includes the use of subheaders. Subleaders make long content seem short. They work best for guides or a long blog post in general.

If you are writing a blog post, it is your goal for readers to read the whole blog post and not get exhausted before reaching the end.

ii. Use the right font size

You do not want your font size to be too small for users, and you do not want it to be too big for mobile readers. Font from 16px to 21px tend to do the best. Not too small and not too big.

iii. Use a lot of images

Images are an easy way to tell a story. Images make visitors easily understand what you are trying to say, and you can summarize a piece of content into a simple image.

Graphs and infographics are a great way to make your content outstanding and interesting for readers. You can use free tools such as Canva to create custom images and infographics.  

iv.  Long blog posts

According to, blogposts with about 1,600 work better, which takes about 7 minutes of reading. This does not mean you should stuff unnecessary information in your blog post, but if it makes sense to publish a long post, go ahead and do it.

v. The use of simple words

You are not trying to impress someone who went to Harvard or any world-class school. You do not want to write above people’s heads. If they don’t understand what you are trying to say, they will not stick around.


With all these ways, surely it should be easy for you to publish your first blog post. Writing one blog post should not take you more than three hours if you follow the steps above. If it does, you will be able to improve.

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